Friday, August 27, 2010

Cee-Lo Green Gets It Off His Chest In Top-Drawer Fashion: Is This Funny?

I won't go into any review or analysis as this one speaks for itself. But I will say that I found it refreshing that rather than write a standard break-up song about having to be strong in the face of heartbreak and trying to heal in a positive way, Cee-Lo Green goes all emotionally incorrect and literally spells it all out in the video embedded below. Special thanks to my brother for sending me the link.

Cee Lo Green "Fuck You"
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ghost In The Machine: An Old Medium Unravelled Is Today's Badass Art

Step 1: Dislodge Nick Cave tape stuck in truck cassette player.

Step 2: Unravel tape.

Step 3: Make painstakingly complex and beautiful art.

Step 4: Call it Ghost In The Machine.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Guatemalan Flight Data Recorder: Is This Funny?

Here is a spanish language video reporting that authorities investigating the crash of an Aero Guatemala Flight in La Masilla have recovered the plane's flight data recorder and begun to release limited information about what may have happened onboard flight 1134 prior to the crash. Preliminary reports point to equipment failure as the likely cause. The flight data recorder suggests that the Fairchild F27 suddenly lost altitude and plummeted out of the control of veteran pilot Manuel De Iglesias and his crew. The clip shows a source from within Aero Guatemala, his face hidden to protect his anonymity, stating that the company had known of and ignored reported problems with the aging engine, a claim which Aero Guatemala denies.

Is this funny?